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Board of Directors and Board Committees of Quebecor Media Inc.

The Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for the stewardship of the corporation’s overall administration and to oversee the management of the corporation’s operations. The Board of Directors has approved and adopted an official mandate that describes the composition, responsibilities and operation of the Board. We refer you to the Mandate of the Board of Directors for more information.

View the Mandate (PDF - 180 kB)
Photo de monsieur Brian Mulroney

Audit and Risk Management Committee

  • Chantal Bélanger
  • Michèle Colpron
  • Lise Croteau
  • André P. Brosseau

The Audit and Risk Management Committee  was created to assist the Board of Directors in overseeing i) the effecitveness of internal and financial controls and reporting, ii) the quality and integrity of the presentation of the financial statements and financial information and iii) the process of identifying and managing entreprise risk. The Committee also oversees the Coporation’s compliance with financial convenants as well as legal and regulatory requirements governing financial disclosure matters and financial risk management. We refer you to the Mandate of the Audit and Risk Management Committee for more information.

View the Mandate (PDF - 231 kB)

Executive Committee

  • André P. Brosseau
  • Érik Péladeau 
  • Jean B. Péladeau

The Executive Committee has and may exercise all the powers of the Board, subject to the restrictions that shall be imposed by the Board, by the shareholders agreement and by the Business Corporations Act (Québec) from time to time. We refer you to the Mandate of the Executive Committee for more information.

View the Mandate (PDF - 171 kB)

Human Resources and Corporate Governance Committee

  • Sylvie Lalande
  • André P. Brosseau
  • Lise Croteau

The Human Resources and Corporate Governance Committee assists the Board of Directors (i) in discharging its responsibilities relating to the appointment, evaluation an compensation of senior management and for supervising the process of succession planning; and (ii) in developing the approach to corporate governance issues and in identifying new Board nominees. We refer you to the Mandate of the Human Resources and Corporate Governance Committee for more information.

View the Mandate (PDF - 158 kB)

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