Canadiens games on the big screen at the Videotron Centre starting Friday

Having obtained permission from the National Hockey League (NHL) to show Game 3 and the rest of the Stanley Cup final live, the Videotron Centre will be able to welcome 3,500 Montréal Canadiens fans for each game. The TVA Sports live feed will be projected on the arena’s Jumbotron.


Over the past 48 hours, we’ve had discussions with the NHL about the conditions under which we could have spectators at the Videotron Centre, and it was agreed that we would be able to sell tickets, alcohol and food, which makes the project feasible. We are very happy to be able to answer the call from so many fans. They will be able to gather at the Videotron Centre and cheer for the Montréal Canadiens in a festive atmosphere, while observing the public health rules that are still in effect to the letter.

Martin Tremblay, Chief Operating Officer of Quebecor Sports and Entertainment Group


All proceeds will be donated to the Québec Remparts education fund, the Montréal Canadiens Children’s Foundation and Pignon Bleu, an organization chosen by Mayor Régis Labeaume and Quebec City. The City is waiving its percentage on the ticket price and partnering in the event. Ticketmaster is also supporting the event by waiving its fee on ticket sales.


How to buy tickets

Tickets for the Friday, July 2 and Monday, July 5 games will go on sale on for $11, including taxes and fees, at noon on Thursday. The doors of the Videotron Centre will open at 6:45 p.m. and alcohol, refreshments and snacks will be sold on site.


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