Distribution Select to cease operations on July 2, 2021
Distribution Select is planning an orderly discontinuation of operations effective July 2, 2021. New technologies have revolutionized consumer listening habits and the shift to digital continues to transform the music industry. The music distribution business has been disrupted by the changes, particularly the abrupt disappearance of physical media. In an industry that has become highly consolidated and globalized in recent years, distribution is unfortunately no longer a strategic line of business for Quebecor Sports and Entertainment Group.
Investing in the industries of the future
Quebecor Sports and Entertainment Group has been strongly committed to the music industry since its inception. Today, it needs to focus its efforts on growth segments such as publishing, music production, producing cultural and sporting events, operating performance venues, and discovering and promoting talent. The Group is therefore making an orderly withdrawal from the distribution business, allowing customers and suppliers to make a smooth transition. The producers who have placed their trust in Distribution Select over the years will be treated with every consideration.
Unshakeable commitment to music and culture
Sometimes, the fast-changing business environment forces us to make difficult decisions. However, they are always based on our desire to promote music and culture. The launch of QUB musique and the acquisition of the Théâtre Capitole and Audiogram in the midst of a pandemic demonstrate our unwavering confidence and deep commitment to the music industry. We will continue to be a leader and we plan to increase our investment in the industry. With our record labels – Audiogram, Musicor, STE-4 and MP3 disques – our QUB musique streaming platform, and our performance venues – the Videotron Centre, Théâtre Capitole and Baie de Beauport – we will continue pursuing our development strategy in this sector.
Unfortunately, this decision means some employees’ jobs will disappear. We are making every effort, together with Quebecor’s Human Resources Department, to reassign as many employees as possible to Quebecor and its subsidiaries. I can assure you that we deeply regret this situation. I thank all the employees and partners who have contributed to Distribution Select’s many successes over the past 39 years.