AWS-3 SPECTRUM AUCTION: Quebecor is pleased with new entrant provisions

Quebecor Media takes note with great interest of today’s announcements by the Honourable James Moore, Minister of Industry, particularly the one relating to the rules for the AWS-3 spectrum auction planned for March 2015.


The government’s initial version of those rules had called for a substantial block of spectrum to be set aside for new entrants. Today’s announcement follows through on that provision.

Quebecor Media is pleased that the government has followed through on its policy by setting aside a significant amount of mobile spectrum for new entrants. Minister Moore’s announcements definitely go in the right direction, and today is certainly a good day for Canadian consumers.

Pierre Dion President and CEO of Quebecor and Quebecor Media

Quebecor Media maintains, however, that other regulatory measures, including roaming fees based on the real cost of network usage and better terms for tower-sharing, are required for the emergence of true competition in mobile services, for the benefit of all Canadians. Those issues were the subject of a recent CRTC proceeding and a decision is expected within weeks.

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